Tickets are booked...
Well, it’s official; we have our tickets booked to Regan National Airport and New York City! Lyssa and I booked our tickets on a Tuesday (traditionally the cheapest day to book airlines) and we got the round trip fare for $143, a ridiculously cheap flight. Now the challenge will be to find a good hotel in the area that’s affordable. I had a great deal on a double tree hotel right in DuPont Circle for $96/night, which was ridiculous. Turns out that was a part of the Hilton deal to book a hotel stay by January 31st, so I blew it!! It’s somewhat bittersweet though because I didn’t realize that I also had the Thursday before our trip off, so we’re staying two more days, one in DC and one NYC. Our plan now is to try to “Priceline” a hotel in each area. We’ll see how that goes, but hopefully the February weather and cold will make it easier to get a deal.
This weekend I went back to Seymour with Paul. We both rode in Little Richie to save on some gas. We had plans to have a meet the parents (or as Joel calls is “Meet the Fockers”) dinner on Friday night after work. Paul got out of surgery impressively early and then we headed back to Appleton. We met out for dinner at Mark’s East which has a good fish fry and menu. The food was good, my chicken cesar was delish, but my dad’s plate left something to be desired. We both were sick after dinner, haha! The dinner itself though went great. It was nice for our parents to finally meet and see the faces behind the names. Jack and Kathy knew a lot of people out for dinner, mainly because of his practice and where they live. The restaurant was in the neighborhood that Paul was born in before they moved. They also had some family friends that were out to dinner and sat beside us. We chatted about our Europe trip and other traveling adventures. It was a good Friday evening. After dinner I came home and crashed, the influenza really took a lot out of me this past week.
This week ahead consists of babysitting, nursing shifts, and trying to keep the house spotless for some showings. Hopefully we’ll have a few bites on the property and I can show the house to a few people. I really hope the property moves, and it would be even better if it moves quickly. I am going to be gone all of April to Europe, so I will not be around to talk to potential buyers. It’s a crazy time!
I am also in the midst of looking for people to rotate with at Pittsburgh. I’ve been in contact with Dr. Binion out there and he has given me some great suggestions on labs who would fit my interests in basic science that can be easily translated to IBD work. Some of the people and PI’s he suggested are pretty high profile, so we’ll see if it will all work out. I am looking for someone who has a tinge of Dr. Carlsson in them, so our personalities mesh nicely. I have a lot to do ahead, but it’s taking it day by day now…