Caught up?
I am caught up with blogging? You have got to be kidding me. It's been over a year since I felt that I was actually "caught up". I guess it's time to celebrate before I head into another semester of full time course work and research while raising a small child effectively as a Pittsburgh single mom. I love to write to you all, and I am thrilled that my posts will be a bit more current than you are used to. I wanted to say Thank You for sticking with me all these years. I started blogging my senior year of college - and now I am almost halfway done with my MD/PhD. I guess I have had a lot of personal life victories in this time too: moving, engagement, marriage, house, dog, kid, a year apart from my husband... Life has this interesting way of continuing to move forward whether you give it permission to or not, so lets celebrate the time that has propelled us forward.
I wanted to pause to get back to the reason why I started writing this blog. It is time to simplify our lives. Especially in January of the new year after the hustle of the holidays. Life is not about who works the most hours, or how chaotic or lives can be. I feel that the winner is truly the person who can boil down the hectic parts of life into simple, essential elements of living. My family, my family, my family, my friends, my work. My family is my purpose and my work inspires my purpose. I hope I can simplify the rest of my life to facilitate every moment being rich and memorable.
Enjoy tomorrow's first cup of coffee. I look forward to waking up my little boy and cherishing his cheesy good morning grin. Take care my readers. New Year's resolution 2016: SIMPLIFY.