Celebrating Erik and Cara Winsand's Wedding!
Erik, Carol and Bill Winsand! Wedding DAY!
Marsh Clan and the Adopted Lyssa P, my date.
It was in the colorectal section of my surgery clerkship, and I asked off well in advance to attend and stand in Windpants' wedding! I was so honored when Erik called me to stand in Joel's place with the men in his honor. It's a true testament to lifelong friends like the Winsands. We grew up together and got into trouble at the end of Pit Lane and wherever else we set up our Winsand and Marsh Agency, formally known as WAMA. We begged for sleepovers every time my parents would go to Bonduel to work on the brewery. Seriously, some great times... ahhh, makes me want to go back to being an awkward middle schooler again so we can relive those days on the trampoline and with the crazy dalmatian and billy goat.
Alyssa and I walking down together, in honor of Joel Buck.
Then we started growing up, and life started happening, but we stayed close. I got to see Alyssa at her prom and we went for ice cream at the Cecil diner every once and a while. We also got to take long trips up north to Bill's cabin out in the woods with no electricity or water. We played poker upstairs and had a blast watching people run with the toilet paper flag to the outdoor john. After high school Erik and Joel went to college together at Michigan Tech. They didn't room together the first year, but shortly after became roommates and met some amazing friends as a group. I was fortunate enough that Joel let me drop in on their college times every once and a while. It was a blast every time I stepped into their apartment or mansion. Erik was always entertaining... hahah! Oh man, I will save Tech stories for later...
Erik and Cara's impressive dance! Nice moves you two!
After college, Erik moved to Madison, where I was going to school, for a job. We had a blast in Madison. Erik was a man of many locations. There was "Cold Nights in the Prairie Erik"... and my favorite "Downtown Erik". This was when me and the crazy roomies were living in Kendall Ave and had a place for Erik to stay in case he couldn't make it back to the Prairie. Donut in one hand and pizza slice in other while watching morning football... such a hard decision of which one to eat...
Let the party begin!
While Downtown Erik was getting to meet a new group of friends, I remember when he met Cara and starting dating a pretty young lady. I was so excited for him! Of course they hit it off right away. Erik was also important in my new relationship with Paul! He was the one who made him feel at home and came out for my 21st birthday party, which was one of our first few dates! Crazy how it all happened really...
Nothing like a good polka with the Polka King himself!
Well shortly after moving to Pittsburgh, I got a call from Erik about rings... just general questions and then bam! He saw the perfect ring and was engaged! It was the perfect story... and engagement at the Capital in Madison where it all began! Precious. The time of their engagement flew by quickly and before I knew it, I was buying dresses and plane tickets to come back for their big day!
Mom and all of Joel's buddies! Jon, Dan, and Shnick!
Due to my surgery clerkship, I had to catch the earliest flight out of Pittsburgh in order to get to Madison by 9:30AM. Becca was kind enough to pick me up at the airport and let me invade her house in order to try to do my hair in a classy wedding up-do and freshen up for the day. I had tried to put my hair in curlers in Pittsburgh, and was frantically taking them out of my hair as Paul drove me to the airport. I was a hot mess... per ush. Nonetheless, we got my hair done with Becca and Lyssa's assistance, and I took the kitchen shears to my bangs to create some sort of hair that I could curl for a face framing piece... haha, Becca's voice of reason begged me not to, but I cut it anyway... !!
From there, my parents met me and we headed off to the church to get ready for the ceremony. I unfortunately had to miss the rehersal, so I quickly learned my part and we were ready to walk down the isle in no time! It was a beautiful ceremony and I was getting pretty emotional being Joel's placeholder. A lot of people told my family just how special that was, and they knew right away the purpose of me in a black dress on the boys' side. I was so honored to be a part of their day.
The two lovebirds... still on the dance floor after 35 years of marriage!
Dan and Katie... momma to be! So exciting!
Ryan and Kate Goddard!
After the ceremony it was time to run around town for wedding pictures! They turned out beautifully and nothing beats the views of Madison. The lake, the parks, the terrace... ahh, how I miss Madison! Then the wedding party came back to the hotel where I found my date, Lyssa, hanging with the fam and giving Curty a hard time, as usual! Or more like, encouraging Curty!!
That looks like a touchdown my friends... Solid Erik... ahah!
Uncle Whitey and Alyssa! Northwoods neighbors!
We ate dinner and enjoyed the evening... especially the dancing. With Lyssa as my date, things always tend to get a little wild and crazy on the dance floor... (see photos below for confirmation)
This pretty much sums up our relationship... especially on the dance floor!
Well, this is a dollar dance gone...twenty dollars.... and wild.
Nothing like a little air guitar...
To take a break from the dance marathon, Lyssa and I found a wild crowd in the photo booth... and joined them for a few photos. We took some pictures together of course... I personally like the sensual salute photo... God Bless America.
The damage in the photo booth... pure hotness.
How many people can we fit?
Curty and Deb also joined us in the photo booth which was quite entertaining. My dad... so camera shy. I wonder where I get it from... geeeze. Yikes.

Lyssa, Deb, Curt and Alyce... Team Marsh.
After the long night, we tucked ourselves in bed because we already had a date with Becca the next morning for breakfast and to stroll around Madison. We made our way to the terrace to catch some sun and a bite of ice cream. After our short visit, it was back to the airport for me and I waited out a few delays before finally getting to Chicago and then back home to Pittsburgh so I could make it back for rounds at 4:30AM the next morning. WORTH IT.
Lyssa, Me, and Becca... the Madison ladies back at the terrace for some ice cream!
Thank you Erik and Cara for the amazing wedding and many wonderful memories! Here's to a long loving marriage and many more adventures!