MSTP Retreat 3.0

This year our MSTP retreat was in the rolling hills of West Virginia. We switched up the location to have something a little closer to home, and to try something new. The format was a bit different too, and included five minute talks from students to give a pitch about their research. I was able to give one of these talks on Friday before heading out to the retreat location, which was a good experience and exercise to develop my research "story".

We had a good time with the MSTP gang at the retreat. The first night was a blast as we enjoyed a barbecue and listened to the fourth year medical students talk about their journey through the MD/PhD program. This is probably my favorite part of the retreat, because it gives me hope as they all say that the time flies by too fast and warn students to enjoy their graduate school years. This is what I intend to do, and I already feel life is flying by too fast!
Annie and I roomed together and had a good time catching up and hosting a little gathering for the rest of the gang, as evidenced by the extra chairs that ended up outside our room. It helps that I spent some time with my family learning our favorite Old Fashioned recipes.

Fiesta remains.
All in all it was a fun retreat, and a continuation of great traditions!
I look forward to next year's adventure!