Black Bag Ball

I have wild friends. That is all.
Black bag ball is an annual dance affair for medical students. Lucky for me, I get to attend for 8 years straight. Booyah. This year, I threw on my rehearsal dinner dress and asked Ilinca to be my arm candy as my plus one.


Apparently white was a popular color...
After spending a few moments getting fancy, we made our way over to Josh's place in Lawrenceville. They sure know how to put on a party - the place was so welcoming and cute! As people started funneling in, the time started ticking before we had to catch our rides downtown. No limo this time. This year Black Bag Ball was at the Fairmont in downtown Pittsburgh - a fancy little place down there. The theme was the "Great Gatsby' which explains all of the fancy outfits and flashy headbands.

Apparently not a fan of having their picture taken...
I of course live for the dance floor so I made a few rounds on the wood floor to tear it up a bit, but most of the time was spent in line waiting for a drink or some food - unfortunately. Usually I can't breath because I'm dancing too crazy. Regardless, it was a darn good time and I wish we could get fancy every six months for a sponsored med school prom!

The ladies.