I know this may be a bit out of order of my normal posting, but I think it is important to take the time to send a little praise. Thank you for all my family and friends that have supported me this year. The academic year of my time as a single mom is coming to an end, and I'm so grateful that we are all happy, healthy and smiling.
This year has been wild. Not only is the first year of becoming a mother a learning experience in and of itself, but we have also been given our fair share of challenges in work, daycare, life, and living. Our year has been so busy.
Spring simplicity.
While I am grateful for every moment on this earth - I am also exhausted. I yearn for a full night sleep starting at 8:30PM and ending at 7:30AM without interruption or guilt of what I should be doing to catch up on deadlines. I guess its only normal. In saying this, I want to raise a toast to all of the moms out there that raise their children alone - you, you ARE amazing. I don't know your circumstance, but I know you are spectacular and strong.
Now, I'm hoping to remove some life clutter. We started by cleaning our basement - and I'm looking forward to engaging more simplicity in my life. I think this will help to reach my goal of a good night sleep. Tonight I start with dinner with friends, and my goal of 5 pages of a novel before bed. What are you doing to restore the simplicity in your life?
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