The Nursery

Dale enjoying the new soft rug in the nursery!

Dale enjoying the new soft rug in the nursery!

As the countdown to the small child's arrival continues, so do the preparations.  I took a day or two to wash all of his adorable outfits, and stock our changing table with small diapers, wipes, and things I do not understand how to use yet, like a NoseFrida: The Snotsucker.

The gallery wall and adorable crib!

The gallery wall and adorable crib!

I had the kind help of a few friends who have a much better eye for decorating than I do. They helped me put up the picture frames, and make some awesome deer antlers to hang over the changing table.  These antlers are the real deal - they were signed by Curty himself from the 1977 season - true collectors items. I found a small board at the craft store and painted it antique white with a kit I ordered called Rust-Oleum Distressed Ivory. With Paul's help and a few wooden shims, we mounted the antlers. Then, I enlisted the help of creative friends to keep it stylish and Pinterest worthy. We covered the skull portion with silk flowers. I absolutely love the way they turned out!

1977 antlers and the newly painted white wood board!

1977 antlers and the newly painted white wood board!

Trusting the design to the experts!

Trusting the design to the experts!

Now I guess we wait for the baby, and for the never ending mess that is about to take over the nursery! I doubt it will ever be this clean or organized again, so I will enjoy gazing into the room while it is fresh, white and clean!  Thank you for everyone who helped decorate and furnish this little man's room! We cannot wait to meet him and share his little smile with you all!

The changing table, complete with stuffed animals, antlers and family photos

The changing table, complete with stuffed animals, antlers and family photos

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