Always a Badger
Brrrr for the Badgers!
Once a Badger, Always a Badger! I'm definitely proud of my Wisconsin roots, even though it has been closer to a decade since we lived in Madison. Paul is also an alum and we've been fortunate to connect with other UW-Madison alumni over the years that work at UPMC or are within our friend circle. This particular weekend we connected with some of Paul's friends who were making the trip up to State College to go to the Penn State Football game as they took on the Badgers!
Overly large stadium was not very full on this cold game day!
We were of course cheering for our Red alma mater. We started off by going to the UW-Madison alumni gathering. There I ran into Bucky on my way into the hall - we actually ran into each other, I was about three seconds from being flat on the floor compliments of our mascot. After a breakfast of brats, potatoes, and eggs (ummm, yessss!) we loaded on the bus to be shipped over to the stadium.
So much hair… still the same style as when I was in college – ha!
The stadium was large and the weather was very cold! I thought we had bundled appropriately, but my feet disagreed. We ran out for a hot chocolate which quickly became cold chocolate. After a few more plays it became clear that the Badgers were about to be defeated, and we ran to the busses to shuttle back to our car. The road trip home was warm and toasty and we made it back to Pittsburgh in time to pick up our friends' dog from the doggy daycare that our own pooch was kicked out of years ago, haha! Oh Dale...
It was a great day in the frozen State College stadium exchanging Badger memories with friends!